So why it has become so deadly suddenly from January 2021 Honorable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi announcing India has successfully defeated the virus to him announcing in the month April 2021 that the virus has taken a serious turn and has taken the form of tsunami taking everyone with it.
"On many occasions over the past few months, many medical intellectuals, have been saying that the virus and its impact is just low and has not been completely wiped out. We should have been a bit more prepared for this kind of situation,"
"The national weekly positivity rate has increased from 3.05 per cent to 13.54 per cent in the last one month," the health ministry said in a statement.
It would not be okay to say it is because of a singular person/organization. It’s a collective effort of State Government, Central Government, us common people for this state of India at this point of time.
At the time when this virus gave us time to be well prepared to fight it, government was busy filling its vote bank in state elections. Organizing mass rallies with NO Covid protocols is a very factor contributing to the spread of the virus, it's almost exponential increase, where some of the participants were PM of India, Home Minister of India, Chief Minister of West Bengal, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and many more well-known politicians. The priorities were clear, they sidelined their responsibility towards nation and were organizing what is today the destruction of whole India. It was inevitable for a country, where governments have to impose a strict fine in order for public to adhere to Covid guidelines as basic as wearing mask in public, which is only for their own safety, now also many irresponsible people organizing parties, weddings, not following to Covid protocols in publics, one would be shocked to know that there are still some people believing “Corona is a Joke”, it's all part of a big conspiracy by the government.
It's not that only Election is the only factor for the situation, but it is one of the prime factors, then there was Kumbh Mela which could have been scraped this year, I don’t think any prayer or any religious activity even having any scientific reasoning behind is important then anybody’s life. After all we offer these prayers for the betterment of society and oneself, but this time in doing so we actually hurt the society and oneself more. We hurt this much that in the National capital of India, parks are being turned into cremation ground, animal's cremations ground are being used humans, city tress is being asked to cut down due to shortage of wood.
Even today no political party or the election commission are excepting that these huge gathering are the prime contributor, home minister of India said that conduction of election is not in their hand it’s solely the responsibility of Election commission which is said to be independent organization., well at least what it says on paper. But my question would be rallies were in your hand, political parties could/should have not organized any large gathering. Condition was that when 2lac+ cases were reported daily and our PM was busy giving his undivided attention in addressing a huge crowd in West Bengal.
Then there is VVIP culture, a country where doctors are writing to PM complaining about Neta’s, and other VIP people asking for a home treatment, big celebrities are easily getting beds in hospitals but for common people there is none, government able to book 5star hotel rooms for court but saying no resources left when it comes to common people.
Today, the reality is people are dying on roadside due to lack of oxygen treatment as capacity of every hospital is full. Demand of oxygen has increased suddenly and India is able to come close to produce the demanded amount of oxygen but the main problem is with transportation of these no arrangements were made in previous months to overcome this situation or not at speed which it was required, resulting today we are daily airlifting Cryogenic Containers and O2 Cylinders from other countries. Efforts are being made at a very rapid speed but the government woke up a little too late.
“Ground reality is much worse than what's been shown on paper that one cannot even dare to think”
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